1) Introduction

If you are about to ask for the hand. One of the questions that you will ask yourself, it will be. How do I choose the perfect engagement ring?

When you ask the question, you want to make sure the place is romantic and special, that the day or night go perfectly and that everything you have planned is perfect.

But the most important thing is that you want her eyes to shine just like the engagement ring when she opens that little box..

Choosing the ideal engagement ring is one of the most important steps you will take on the way to your wedding day..


Elegir el anillo de compromiso
Choose the perfect engagement ring
Some women's tastes are so specific that they prefer to choose their own ring, but many women want to believe that their fiancee man knows them so well that he will choose that perfect ring, the ring that she's been dreaming of.

Follow our guide on how to choose the right engagement ring.

2) You know the right style

You have paid attention to their tastes in general. You know what he has in his jewelry box, what you wear every day and what you like to wear on a special night.

You know if he prefers gold, platinum or silver, the modern or the traditional.

You have looked at the magazines he reads and you have taken note of the clues that he has given you when passing through the window of a jewelry store


It all depends on what your girlfriend likes. Do you prefer a subtle look of smaller stones? ¿Ha admirado anillos con piedras más grandes como los que pueden llevar los famosos?


If you are an athlete or very active, a large stone may not be very practical. Is it something that will 24 hours of the day or take it off for certain activities?

Remember that if the size of the stone is important to your girlfriend and you have a limited budget, you may have to prioritize others diamond aspects (like color or clarity)

Find your engagement ring


3) Set a budget

There is a belief that you should invest in the purchase of the engagement ring the salary of 2 O 3 months, However, things are changing and the important thing is not the money but the moment and its meaning. Ask yourself the following questions to help you decide:
Anillo rosetón orla y centro de Oro blanco y Diamantes
How much can I really afford?

Do we live together and share the expenses?

Are we saving for other expenses, like buying a house?

Can I finance the purchase?

Always do your research before making a decision, you can buy a good engagement ring for less than 500 euros

The price of the engagement ring depends fundamentally on the size of the diamond and its carat weight. The quality of the diamond also influences the price (clarity, cut and color).

There are diamonds of small weights but from 0.10 carats, the diamond has 3 mm in diameter and is an engagement ring with a small but showy diamond. You can find rings of 0.10 carats around € 250-350.

From 0.10 carats, diamonds are usually set in rings at intervals of 0.05 carats:

  • 0.15 carats has 3.5 diameter mm
  • 0.20 carats has 3.8 diameter mm
  • 0.25 carats has 4.05 diameter mm

Diamonds from 0.30 carats have a diameter of 4.3 mm and usually carry an official certificate by an accredited gemological institute. The price can vary from 1300 € a 1600 €.

4) Buy in advance

“We advise clients to take their time when choosing an engagement ring and to personally visit their jeweler”, says Natalia Muñoz. Once you've decided on the budget and style, your jeweler can help you choose the perfect ring.
Find your engagement ring


5) Choosing the style of engagement ring

There are different types of engagement rings, the most common are:
Rosette Ring in White Gold and Diamonds


Lonely, with a single diamond in the center of the ring, is the most classic and timeless. The type of setting or fastening of the diamond is usually by claws, being the most common setting in 4 claws the 6 claws
Diamonds and blue sapphire ring

Rosette or pavé ring

Rosette or pavé ring, where there is a central stone that can be a diamond, esmeralda, ruby or sapphire and flanked by diamonds. You can also go the hoop set with diamonds, resulting in a spectacular and elegant ring.
Engagement ring 7 Diamond claws

Half diamond wedding band

Half diamond wedding band, the top of the ring is made up of a row of diamonds, normally of 3, 5 O 7 diamonds. The setting for this type of rings can be claws or rail. Claw setting gives it a more classic design

6) The right measure

When you put the ring on her finger, it will be one of the most special moments of your life. You want it to fit perfectly, you don't want it to fall off every time you proudly display it to your friends and family
How to secretly determine your ring size:

  • “Borrow” a ring from your jeweler and take it to the jeweler
  • Put one of his rings on your finger and see where it stops
  • While she sleeps, use one of his other rings and trace its size on a piece of paper
  • Ask other people for help (his sister, your mother or your friends)

If not:

Choose a medium size ring (ask your jeweler), and once you have given it to her, return to the jewelry store with her so that they can take the exact measurement and adapt the ring. They only take 2 days to adapt it and always within the guarantee.

7) Trust your jeweler

A diamond engagement ring can be one of the most important purchases for its meaning, what will you do in your life. You have decided the size, the color, clarity and karat. You have looked on the internet and you know exactly what you want. But there is another important element, a certificate.
At Salvador Muñoz Jewelry all our diamonds come with a Quality certificate

8) conclusion

Choosing the right engagement ring doesn't have to be difficult. First, determine how much you can and want to actually spend on the ring, choose a ring according to your style (pay special attention to the type of jewelry you already have).

Make sure it fits him well and, finally, buy in one trust jewelry to offer you a quality certificate.

9) Frequent questions

Who chooses the engagement ring?
Traditionally, the groom chooses the engagement ring, but today things are changing and some couples choose the engagement ring together.
Can you change the size of an engagement ring?

Engagement ring resizing is quite common. Normally we recommend that the groom wear the ring in a standard measure and that once it has been given to him, come with the bride, to take the exact measurement and adapt the ring

 We usually take 2 days and we do not charge as it is within the warranty.

On which finger do you put the engagement ring?

The engagement ring is placed on the ring finger of the left hand. Because it's closer to the heart

What is the most expensive engagement ring in the world?
 According glam.com, ell diamond ring 35 carats of Mariah Carey is the most expensive engagement ring in the world, It was given to her by her ex-fiancé James Packer, the ring cost ~ $ 10 million
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Canal YouTube

Canal YouTube

Here are some of our videos from our YouTube channel How to choose the prefect engagement ring in 5 Steps: Read the article or watch the video on our YouTube channel

How to clean your diamond engagement ring

How to clean your diamond engagement ring

1) IntroductionThe diamond is one of the most valuable minerals in the world and due to its crystalline structure it is the gem that shines the most. IntroductionThe diamond is one of the most valuable minerals in the world and due to its crystalline structure it is the gem that shines the most, your diamond may start to lose its shine. If you wear your ring every day, IntroductionThe diamond is one of the most valuable minerals in the world and due to its crystalline structure it is the gem that shines the most.